
《留聲記憶 》 Phonographic Memory

臺南公園的身體地圖 Body Map in the Tainan Park

《留聲記憶 / 臺南公園的身體地圖》
Phonographic Memory / Body Map in the Tainan Park

周書毅/裝置創作概念及編舞 — 「一起散步,穿越我在這裡發現的記憶時光。」

詹家豪/裝置設計 — 「公園像是一本知識寶典,裡面擁有許多意想不到的知識可學習交流。」
王榆鈞/音樂設計、演出 — 「公園是城市的心臟與呼吸,每到一個地方,總喜歡到公園散步,它們兼容並蓄,接納不同種族,語言與膚色。無論世代如何改變,公園佇立在那,讓時間留下痕跡。」

我們創造了一部巨型的留聲機,在日治時期最後一座建造的台南公園裡,在百年時光後遺留下的建物與自然環境中,尋找人與公園的記憶。留聲裝置放置於曾經的康樂台上,面對已逝的升旗台,讓歷史透過一首一首樂曲的響起,聚集人的情感記憶,而展演也隨之展開,民眾重回台南公園的草地廣場上,再現文化藝術的凝聚力。 這是設計師詹家豪與藝術家周書毅的創作,與稻草人現代舞團找尋藝術的公共性。



"Let us travel to Tainan. This time we take the slow train to imagine the nostalgic scenery of the old days. When getting off, we will catch sight of the last park built in Japanese ruling period. Right by the gramophone under the tree, let us take a journey through the century for the memory of life." --- Chou Shu-Yi x Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company's performance <Body Map in the Tainan Park -100 Days Strolling> (2019-2020)

We created a giant urban phonograph in the Tainan Park, the last park built during the Japanese occupation period to look for the memories of people and the park in the buildings and the natural environment remained from a hundred years later.  The phonograph was placed on the former recreational platform, facing the deceased flag-raising platform, allowing history to gather people's emotional memories through the sound of each piece of music, and when the performance began, people returned to the grass of Tainan Park to sense the cohesion of culture and art which was reproduced.  This is the creation of designer Chan Chia-hao and artist Chou Shu-yi, together with Scarecrow Contemporary Dance Company to search the bound between arts and society. 

The design of the phonograph is made of wood.  It is composed of an octagonal shape like a flower.  Designer Chan and artist Chou analyze the breadth of the sound and the space of the rainbow stage to let the sound expand naturally through only one stereo.  The phonograph is covered by the paper of reflective material in order to reflect the sunlight. When the sunlight is strong, the phonograph is full of vitality, and when the sun sets, the phonograph becomes softer and looks like as an eye gazing into the future from far away.



The Art work is made of wood. It is composed of an octagonal shape like a flower. Creaters analyze the breadth of the sound and the space of the rainbow stage to let the sound expand naturally through only one stereo. The phonograph is covered by the paper of reflective material in order to reflect the sunlight. When the sunlight is strong, the phonograph is full of vitality, and when the sun sets, the phonograph becomes softer and looks like as an eye gazing into the future from far away.


